Encouraging Indonesia Investment Authority Performance to Release Debt
JAKARTA – Indonesia is experiencing a debt spike due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to data from the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), the debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio has penetrated 40.49% as of May 2021. Overall, the value of government debt as of May 2021 is at the level of Rp6,418.15 trillion. The […]
Fadel Surur
Pekerja beraktivitas di proyek pembangunan Sykbrige CSW, Jakarta, Minggu 4 Juli 2021.Proyek pembangunan skybridge untuk integrasi Halte Transjakarta CSW di Stasiun MRT Asean terus dikebut setelah mengalami kemunduran dari target awal. Foto : Panji Asmoro/TrenAsia