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Insight Langit Biru

The Threat of Tapering Off is Getting Clearer, Foreign Funds of Rp90 Trillion in Bonds have Left Indonesia

  • The Indonesian government’s concern about the threat of tapering off or reducing the Fed’s stimulus is getting bigger after the United States released May 2021 inflation data of 5%. Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, said the dynamics of the economy in the United States (US) had a multiplier effect on various sectors in Indonesia. […]

<p>Karyawati menunjukkan mata uang rupiah dan dolar di kantor cabang Bank Mandiri, Jakarta, Senin, 22 Maret 2021. Foto: Ismail Pohan/TrenAsia</p>

Karyawati menunjukkan mata uang rupiah dan dolar di kantor cabang Bank Mandiri, Jakarta, Senin, 22 Maret 2021. Foto: Ismail Pohan/TrenAsia
