
Apparel Retail Issuers in Indonesia: Set Up Strategies to Survive When Performance is Sluggish
The performance of four apparel retail issuers in Indonesia was still shaken by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the first quarter of 2021. Three of them recorded a decline in revenue of more than 20% compared to the first quarter of last year (year-on-year/yoy). PT Ramayana Lestari Sentosa Tbk. (RALS) holds the record […]

Emiten Ritel Pakaian: Gencarkan Strategi Bertahan Kala Kinerja Limbung
Kinerja empat emiten ritel pakaian masih terguncang efek dari pandemi COVID-19 pada kuartal I-2021. Tiga di antaranya mencatatkan penurunan pendapatan di atas 20% dibandingkan dengan kuartal I tahun lalu (year-on-year/yoy). PT Ramayana Lestari Sentosa Tbk. (RALS) pegang rekor. Kemerosotan pendapatannya hingga 46,41%. Berikutnya, PT Matahari Department Store Tbk. (LPPF) yang membukukan penurunan pendapatan 25% dan […]

Retail Apocalypse (Serial 1): Indonesian Retail Companies Crumble Before and After the Pandemic
JAKARTA – The continuity of the retail business in Indonesia is back to be discussed. This issue is widely heard because recently one of the retail issuers, PT Hero Supermarket Tbk (HERO) decided to close a number of its outlets by the end of July this year. Based on the company’s official statement at the […]